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Data Protection Declaration

Data Protection Declaration

Who is responsible

Michael Rhode, Joseph-König-Str. 11, 48147 Münster, datenschutz@michaelrhode.de

General facts

We only process personal data of our users if it is necessary to provide a functional website for our content and services. We regularly process personal data only with the consent of the user. We only process the data without your consent if we cannot obtain your consent beforehand for actual reasons and we have to process the data due to legal regulations.

Personal data can be processed if you consent, if there is a legal obligation or to protect vital interests.

Safety measures

We do our best to protect your personal data, e. g. with

  • TLS/SSL-encryption
  • IP-Masking

What information this website collects and why?

The information we collect about all visitors to our website includes the visitor’s browser type, language preference, referring site, additional websites requested, and the date and time of each visitor request.

We collect this information to better understand how our visitors use the website, and to monitor and protect the security of the website.

This data can not be tracked back to you. You will remain anonymous as a user.

We collect anonymized IP-addresses in web server logs. We do it to address possible attacks and security issues to our servers. Web server logs are not used for any other reason and have strictly limited access to the qualified personnel only. We keep collected logs for no longer than 30 days.

Use of cookies

We use Session-Cookies and permanent Cokies. Which cookies wie use in detail, you can see here.

Legislation in Germany

  • Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO, Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO.

Purpose of data processing

We collect this information to better understand how our visitors use the website, and to monitor and protect the security of the website.

This data can not be tracked back to you. You will remain anonymous as a user.

None of the data is shared with any other party.

More Information


If you looking for more information, please visit the German version of this site or contact us via e-mail at: datenschutz@michaelrhode.de